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Elitus Academy is now a PGC Basketball Partner!

To all Elitus Academy Academy supporters,

This is Jo Kurino, President of Basketball Academy.

I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe during this spring season.

As the summer nears, I am sure everyone is looking forward to starting their summer vacation. This may especially be the case since COVID is slowly losing its potency; making it easier to go out and experience different activities.

If you are a hooper, the offseason is the time to work on your game.

The basketball season is all about team time. It's the time when you play for the team and play within your role. If you want to expand your role, the offseason is where you work on your weakness, polish your strengths, and redefine what type of player you would like to be.

If you are going to be in Okinawa, I highly encourage everyone to visit our skills training sessions. Elitus is known to be quite intense, but we also hang our hat on teaching skills the right way in a positive setting. We focus on fundamentals first, then mastering advanced skills.

If you are planning to head to the U.S. for the summer and desire to seriously improve your basketball skills in an on and off-court setting, I encourage you to attend PGC Basketball Camp.

With 30 years of proven experience coaching 12,000 young players a year, PGC Basketball is one of the finest player development camps in not only the United States but the World.

I am proud to announce that Elitus Academy is now a partner of PGC Basketball Camp.

As a PGC Basketball Member, we not only endorse PGC Basketball, but we can also offer you a discount to attend many of the prestigious camps that PGC Basketball offer throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Additionally, if you would like to plan accommodations and travel, we can connect you with the right people at PGC or our partners to plan your trip.

(*Note: Service charges may apply depending on your requests)

For more information, please contact us at, and please enter "PGC Camp" in the subject line. And in order for us to better serve you, please be sure to sign-up as an Elitus member. Elitus members receive discounts for Assistance services.

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