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A Japanese basketball coach first! Elitus Director Jo Kurino guest speaks at Virtual Coaches Clinic.

To everyone that always supports Elitus Academy,

This is an announcement that Elitus Director Jo Kurino was privileged to serve as a guest instructor for "Virtual Coaches Clinic" during the end of May this year.

The 「Virtual Coaches Clinic」is a special port website that started in March 2020 to provide basketball coaches clinics as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

In the past, the likes of NBA Head Coach Billy Donovan, LA Lakers Assistant Coach Phil Handy, Kevin Eastman, Basketball Immersion's Chris Oliver, Arkansas Razorbacks Women's HC Mike Neighbors, and USA Basketball's Don Showalter have been notable instructors. Additionally, there are numerous world-famous coaches and trainers that have provided knowledge for students of the game.

Kurino's theme was "Player development philosophy that leads to game application".

Kurino's appearance was also the first of its kind for a Japanese coach.

Kurino continues to seek to deepen his understanding of the game, along with sports coaching, and hopes to give back by sharing any knowledge gained.

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